#25 - 22 Jumps

In this episode, Laurent sits down with Tristan Wimmer and Ben Pitassi of 22 Jumps.  22 Jumps is a public charity that combines BASE jumping and fundraising to support the development of durable solutions for traumatic brain injuries.

Our second guest is a member of the board of directors for 22 Jumps and is currently serving with the Navy Parachute Team while on active duty. He has deployed 7 times to various parts of the world during his career.  Ben is passionate about helping his fellow service members and founded The Uplift Union in 2019, a nonprofit centered around adaptive paragliding.

Note from Tristan: "22 Jumps would not be possible without the groundswell of love, support, and time that people give to make it a reality. There are too many to name, but Adam Ghannoum, COO of 22 Jumps, has been a shoulder since the beginning of this journey and has been invaluable to its success."


#26 - Jamie Crawford


#24 - Jesse Hall